Sunday, December 31, 2006

Pic du Pin

Yesterday I wanted to climb the Pic de Pin with Sylvain and Romain, but unfortunately we didn't have the time to finish the route. It didn't really matter if we reached the summit or not, it was a nice hike and a beautiful climb. Sylvain and I really have to get good shoes; waterproof, warm and with a stiff sole. We'll see next year (which starts tonight!) Happy new year to everybody!
We're gonna have a big party at Heidi's place tonight à la Tronche, with a nice view of Grenoble. Whohoo

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


The picture on the right was taken by me in the toilet at the hospital in the 'trouble de mouvement' unit. Where I worked the last five weeks.

Y'all know wikipedia, but how about uncyclopedia? It's the humoristic counterpart to the original. Just get onto the main site and start to read about something, anything...
It's hilarious!

Happy Christmas and a merry new year, and so on and so forth.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


lol I just translated my page into redneck, with the redneck translator
here the direct link to my translated blog

doesn't really work that great, but it's fun to try once

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Trois Pucelles below freezing point

Well, one day after my last post this might sound like I did this just for the pictures... Anyway(s), today I did a multi pitch at the Trois Pucelles. A marvelous climbing site next to Grenoble. You can check out the pictures I took at my webalbum; you might also want to have a look at the the older pictures (I have been there before), that way you can see this crag from two different perspectives.
The route we chose was real nice, but it was so damn cold! There were icicles in the route! Snow everywhere and not the slightest sign of melting. The sun helped a bit, but when she was gone. My fingers got so cold, I couldn't feel anything. When I touched the rock or the metal of my quick draws there was no difference in temperature.
Well, in the end we made it too the summit, got back to the car with the last rays of light, where a snack awaited us... It was a great day.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Tenemos un nuevo gato! Se llama Victor, es muy joven, solamente tiene 4 meses. Es muy bonito y totalmente plateado, bueno, hay otros que dicen que es gris... ¿Que piensas tu? Puse más fotos de nuestros gatos en mi webalbum, que monos son! Los primeros días eran horribles por Victor porque Chausette no lo dejaba hacer nada. Claro, hasta que él ha venido, era la reina del apartamento; tiene que mostrarlo. Además Chausette es más grande y más fuerte. Por fin ella ha aceptado que ahora Victor vive aquí también. Ahora están jugando todo el tiempo, tengo miedo que vayan a destruir el apartamento. ;)

Les Deux Alpes

This week-end I finally went skiing, but due to the lack of snow, we had to go to Les Deux Alpes, a glacier. I don't like glaciers that much, because they tend to be quite flat and because of the crevasses... But it was a really nice beginning for this season. We even found some powder to leave our traces in! Indeed a great first day of skiing.
I added some pictures to my webalbum. It's been a long time that I uploaded images, but somehow I didn't take that many pictures recently. I guess because I didn't do that much new stuff, which would be worth capturing. Don't get me wrong, I did shiploads of climbing, but no multi pitches, which are way more photogenic.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

8ième Nuit de Reggae

Yesterday I've been to a big concert at the Summum in Grenoble - 8ième Nuit de Reggae
Jehro (pop) really sucked, I can't understand what he was doing at the reggae night. way to mainstream, an insult.
Admiral T (french dancehall) wasn't that bad, but the sound was. not even my French friends could understand a word he was saying.
Gladiators (reggae) great! but again they had to ask the engineer at least 5 times to get the singers and background singers volume right. but they were the only ones who insisted until it was right.
Anthony B (dancehall) was good too, but again his mike was way too low, he was really hard to understand. he did make a good show though.

by the way thanks for stopping by, I already had 300 visitors! But on the other hand you only left very few (7) comments...

Monday, November 20, 2006


Jetzt ist es endlich mal kalt geworden in Grenoble. Jetzt sind zumindest mal die Bergspitzen in der Ferne weiß; bin doch schon ganz heiß aufs Schifahren, nochdazu haben daheim in Österreich schon die ersten Schigebiete aufgemacht.
Bis zum Samstag den 18.11 war es noch so warm das ich beim Klettern den ganzen Tag nur in Badehose rumgelaufen bin und mitten in der Nacht mir beim Radfahren im T-Shirt nicht zu kalt war.
Echt verrückt; werde jetzt mal ganz klassisch auf den Zug aufspringen und dem Hype entsprechend sagen: Global Warming lässt grüssen. wobei ich in diesem falle zugeben muss: I believe the hype.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Did you ask yourself: "How the fuck does he stay on line in all those instant messenger protocols shown in his contact information?"

Well here is the answer: Miranda IM
quite handy, innit?

you can get the same thing with Trillian, but i prefer Miranda because its simpler.

Why Fifoxtasy?

People keep asking me again and again, I think I told the story a thousand times now. ;) It's about time I write it down here so everyone knows.
Well, I think it was Magdalena 'Magdi' Jahn who had the idea to call me Fifö which derives from the first letters of my first and my last name. Somehow Fifö became Fifo, I don't really know why or how but I think it was Thomas 'Tomtom' Bleier who came up with it. Maybe it should be written Phifo, I don't know why but I never considered it, only Michael 'Mikka' Schmied does :)

Okay, so some friends in Salzburg call me Fifo, but why Fifoxtasy???

Hold on I'm getting to that. Be patient.
There's another thing I gotta tell y'all who don't know yet: I don't drink any alcohol (no not even wine [for the French]). And I don't do any drugs (not even Marijuana). Maybe I'll tell you why in another post, but this will get too long if I don't get back to the original subject now.

Alright you don't drink, but why Fifoxtasy?

One night I was going out in Salzburg, I can only recall Tomtom being there with me. I can't remember what I did, but I suppose I laughed a lot, smiled constantly and danced like a madman, as usual. When somebody I got to know that night found out I didn't drink, he didn't believe me, so he asked Tomtom: "Is it true that he didn't drink anything?" Tomtom confirmed. "If he didn't drink, what did he take???" "Fifoxtasy." replied Thomas. "Ahh okay, I understand..." And off he went, pretending to know what Fifoxtasy is.

Yea, but why Fifoxtasy?

Seriously? I just told you that...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Une vipère !

Hier j'étais aux Lames, un secteur vachement jolie à côté de Grenoble. C'est tellement proche, on peut y aller en vélo. Quand on est y arrivé il faut monté encore plus à pied. C'est où j'ai rencontré un serpent orange et marron, avec une tête triangulaire. En faite j'ai mis mon pied en haut, par-ce que c'était raide. Il y avait un peu du terre qui a glissé et sûr la terre surfant la serpent. Juste à côté de ma chaussure ça a arrêté. J'ai pensé que je vais pas bougé et l'ai laissé passer, mais le serpent a vu que c'est très confortable et chaud sous mon pantalon. Donc il a décidé de monté dans la jambe de mon pantalon! Vous pouvez imaginer que je n'étais pas d'accord. Le reptile a disparu dans mon pantalon, j'ai du réagir! Donc j'ai fait des mouvements avec mon pied, que j'avais appris dans mon nouveaux stage en neurologie d'un patient qui a parkinson. Enfin il est tombé et s'est enfui. J'étais un peu choqué, surprenant n'est-ce pas? En plus j'étais tout seul.
Quand j'ai raconté l'histoire aux autres, ils m'ont dit que c'était un vipère et qu'il sont venimeux. Je crois que j'ai eu de la chance..

Monday, October 30, 2006

Intruducing my brother and my mom to climbing

I spent an awesome weekend with my mother and my brother in Grenoble. It felt great to be with my family again. As promised long ago, I went climbing with my brother in St. Paincrasse (le Luisset), my mother came along to read a book and watch us climb. I eventually convinced her to try it too. I think they really liked it, because later that day when I asked them what they want to do the next day, my mother said: "I wouldn't mind to go climbing tomorrow again." Very diplomatic, but I got the message. My brother and I didn't "mind" either - it was settled - we went climbing to the Bastille (Failaise du Père Gras). You'll find pictures from both crags in my foto album. I'm particularly proud of my mum, I mean, how many mums out there would go climbing with you? My brother, Felix, basically kicks ass in any sport he does, so it didn't surprise me that he made a lot of progress in those two days. It's been great spending some time with my family, too bad my father couldn't come.

Monday, October 23, 2006

More Climbing

I added some beautiful photos to my web album (link on the right). Pierre, Heidi and I spent the last week-end climbing the Mont Aiguille and Les Aiguilles de Benevise.
Mont Aiguille looks really impressive, but I wouldn't really recommend it to you, because the rock is quite fragile.
I liked Les Aiguilles de Benevise much better, check out the pictures! It was a perfect day: gorgeous landscape, late autumn sunlight, red & yellow trees, great climbing with good friends.

I just realized that all the pictures in my web album are climbing photos, it kind of reflects the current focus in my life, but nevertheless I feel like I have to upload something as well.

This week-end I did something I didn't do that much yet since I moved to France: I partied hard!
Really enjoyed dancing all night at a soirée d'internes at the hospital. To give you a picture: (mentally, I didn't have my camera with me...) a big hall, lots of people who work in the hospital, free drinks for everybody (but me of course lol), loud music (which wasn't that bad, actually), loads of people dancing... I really enjoyed myself dancing all night, got home at 07:00 -> didn't climb that hard the next day ;-)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


des wochenend wor i wida kraxln mitn dave, dea jez om hoamweg vo da atlantikküstn
wor. mia woan in da Verdonschlucht, hobn zwa wundaschene rutn gmocht. echt wödklasse dea fös, de kletterei un de londschoft. lings om foto siagts de schlucht.
sowos fo a schene zit homma ghobt. do muas i dringendst wida hi

i hob jez mei easchte station im kronknhos ogschlossn, jez bin i of dea kinda, gfoid ma bessa ois de interne wo i voahea wor. is anfoch persönlicha. un de kinda san super, gestern hod ana neben mia kotzt wia nua wos, und nocher wia wida ois ofpuzd wor frogt a mi wiso ea reian hod miassn wia ea si den löffl gonz noch hintn in mund gstekt hod...

Monday, October 02, 2006


Je vous presente: Philippe, mon coloc.
This is Philippe, my flatmate here in Grenoble. He is French, works night shifts in a hotel and plans to open a restaurant, which will serve mainly soup, end of this year.
He's a fun guy and he helps me a lot to improve my French. Philippe doesn't really speak any other languages so we have to talk French all the time, which is great, and he really takes the time to explain all the words I don't know yet.

We inhabit a small apartment in the Quartier Saint Bruno, which is not too far from the center. It's a great hood actually: vivid, buildings aren't too tall, lots of parks - just n-i-c-e!

But we're not alone! Let's start with the cat called Chaussette, she got that name, which means sock, because of her paws - they are all white, makes it look like she's wearing socks...
Another cohabitant, Sumo, is a little gerbil, who is quite huge compared to his species average and therefore qualified for the name Sumo. I can hear him right now eating his cage, he does that a lot lately, plastic must be really yummy!
Last and probably least there are some fish in a bowl, which names I'm not going to mention... (because I forget 'em lol)


Elke asked me, if that picture on the upper right (in the about me box) was me. Well it is, Basti took it in 2005 in Saalbach. What a great day! I photoshopped (crop + exposure filter) it a bit, looks cool doesn't it?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

First slightly interesting post


In July I moved from Innsbruck to Grenoble, where I'll stay till June, maybe even a little longer.
What's the reason for my stay in Grenoble? Well back in Innsbruck I decided to make use of a student exchange program called ERASMUS, because I wanted to live in a foreign country, learn the language, make experience... I looked at the partner universities Innsbruck had to offer and almost settled for Barcelona or Madrid, but then something came to my mind: if I'm going to stay there, how am I going to survive a winter without skiing? I took close look at the other universities and found out that Grenoble is in the French alps. As soon as I got that information, it was decided.
Grenoble is perfect for me, the mountains are so close, just like in Innsbruck, it's funny how important that got to me.
The picture shows Grenoble and was - of course - taking while climbing (at Les Trois Pucelles).
In August I did a French language course at the university, which was called "semi-intensif" which means only 2 hours a day :) (well it was also a lot cheaper than the intensif course). Anyway, I had plenty of time for climbing. Then in September university began, still got enough time for climbing, but what about the rest of my life? Dunno, is there anything else to it?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

First Post


This post is just kicking this whole thing off. I'm not yet familiar with all this blogging stuff, but I hope I'll figure it out soon.

Erik, a Norwegian i got to know in Grenoble, told me he started a blog to let all the people at home know what's going on in his life. I liked the idea and decided to try this myself too.

Well we'll see how this develops...
Philipp Förster