Sunday, November 26, 2006

8ième Nuit de Reggae

Yesterday I've been to a big concert at the Summum in Grenoble - 8ième Nuit de Reggae
Jehro (pop) really sucked, I can't understand what he was doing at the reggae night. way to mainstream, an insult.
Admiral T (french dancehall) wasn't that bad, but the sound was. not even my French friends could understand a word he was saying.
Gladiators (reggae) great! but again they had to ask the engineer at least 5 times to get the singers and background singers volume right. but they were the only ones who insisted until it was right.
Anthony B (dancehall) was good too, but again his mike was way too low, he was really hard to understand. he did make a good show though.

by the way thanks for stopping by, I already had 300 visitors! But on the other hand you only left very few (7) comments...

Monday, November 20, 2006


Jetzt ist es endlich mal kalt geworden in Grenoble. Jetzt sind zumindest mal die Bergspitzen in der Ferne weiß; bin doch schon ganz heiß aufs Schifahren, nochdazu haben daheim in Österreich schon die ersten Schigebiete aufgemacht.
Bis zum Samstag den 18.11 war es noch so warm das ich beim Klettern den ganzen Tag nur in Badehose rumgelaufen bin und mitten in der Nacht mir beim Radfahren im T-Shirt nicht zu kalt war.
Echt verrückt; werde jetzt mal ganz klassisch auf den Zug aufspringen und dem Hype entsprechend sagen: Global Warming lässt grüssen. wobei ich in diesem falle zugeben muss: I believe the hype.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Did you ask yourself: "How the fuck does he stay on line in all those instant messenger protocols shown in his contact information?"

Well here is the answer: Miranda IM
quite handy, innit?

you can get the same thing with Trillian, but i prefer Miranda because its simpler.

Why Fifoxtasy?

People keep asking me again and again, I think I told the story a thousand times now. ;) It's about time I write it down here so everyone knows.
Well, I think it was Magdalena 'Magdi' Jahn who had the idea to call me Fifö which derives from the first letters of my first and my last name. Somehow Fifö became Fifo, I don't really know why or how but I think it was Thomas 'Tomtom' Bleier who came up with it. Maybe it should be written Phifo, I don't know why but I never considered it, only Michael 'Mikka' Schmied does :)

Okay, so some friends in Salzburg call me Fifo, but why Fifoxtasy???

Hold on I'm getting to that. Be patient.
There's another thing I gotta tell y'all who don't know yet: I don't drink any alcohol (no not even wine [for the French]). And I don't do any drugs (not even Marijuana). Maybe I'll tell you why in another post, but this will get too long if I don't get back to the original subject now.

Alright you don't drink, but why Fifoxtasy?

One night I was going out in Salzburg, I can only recall Tomtom being there with me. I can't remember what I did, but I suppose I laughed a lot, smiled constantly and danced like a madman, as usual. When somebody I got to know that night found out I didn't drink, he didn't believe me, so he asked Tomtom: "Is it true that he didn't drink anything?" Tomtom confirmed. "If he didn't drink, what did he take???" "Fifoxtasy." replied Thomas. "Ahh okay, I understand..." And off he went, pretending to know what Fifoxtasy is.

Yea, but why Fifoxtasy?

Seriously? I just told you that...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Une vipère !

Hier j'étais aux Lames, un secteur vachement jolie à côté de Grenoble. C'est tellement proche, on peut y aller en vélo. Quand on est y arrivé il faut monté encore plus à pied. C'est où j'ai rencontré un serpent orange et marron, avec une tête triangulaire. En faite j'ai mis mon pied en haut, par-ce que c'était raide. Il y avait un peu du terre qui a glissé et sûr la terre surfant la serpent. Juste à côté de ma chaussure ça a arrêté. J'ai pensé que je vais pas bougé et l'ai laissé passer, mais le serpent a vu que c'est très confortable et chaud sous mon pantalon. Donc il a décidé de monté dans la jambe de mon pantalon! Vous pouvez imaginer que je n'étais pas d'accord. Le reptile a disparu dans mon pantalon, j'ai du réagir! Donc j'ai fait des mouvements avec mon pied, que j'avais appris dans mon nouveaux stage en neurologie d'un patient qui a parkinson. Enfin il est tombé et s'est enfui. J'étais un peu choqué, surprenant n'est-ce pas? En plus j'étais tout seul.
Quand j'ai raconté l'histoire aux autres, ils m'ont dit que c'était un vipère et qu'il sont venimeux. Je crois que j'ai eu de la chance..