Monday, October 30, 2006

Intruducing my brother and my mom to climbing

I spent an awesome weekend with my mother and my brother in Grenoble. It felt great to be with my family again. As promised long ago, I went climbing with my brother in St. Paincrasse (le Luisset), my mother came along to read a book and watch us climb. I eventually convinced her to try it too. I think they really liked it, because later that day when I asked them what they want to do the next day, my mother said: "I wouldn't mind to go climbing tomorrow again." Very diplomatic, but I got the message. My brother and I didn't "mind" either - it was settled - we went climbing to the Bastille (Failaise du Père Gras). You'll find pictures from both crags in my foto album. I'm particularly proud of my mum, I mean, how many mums out there would go climbing with you? My brother, Felix, basically kicks ass in any sport he does, so it didn't surprise me that he made a lot of progress in those two days. It's been great spending some time with my family, too bad my father couldn't come.

Monday, October 23, 2006

More Climbing

I added some beautiful photos to my web album (link on the right). Pierre, Heidi and I spent the last week-end climbing the Mont Aiguille and Les Aiguilles de Benevise.
Mont Aiguille looks really impressive, but I wouldn't really recommend it to you, because the rock is quite fragile.
I liked Les Aiguilles de Benevise much better, check out the pictures! It was a perfect day: gorgeous landscape, late autumn sunlight, red & yellow trees, great climbing with good friends.

I just realized that all the pictures in my web album are climbing photos, it kind of reflects the current focus in my life, but nevertheless I feel like I have to upload something as well.

This week-end I did something I didn't do that much yet since I moved to France: I partied hard!
Really enjoyed dancing all night at a soirée d'internes at the hospital. To give you a picture: (mentally, I didn't have my camera with me...) a big hall, lots of people who work in the hospital, free drinks for everybody (but me of course lol), loud music (which wasn't that bad, actually), loads of people dancing... I really enjoyed myself dancing all night, got home at 07:00 -> didn't climb that hard the next day ;-)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


des wochenend wor i wida kraxln mitn dave, dea jez om hoamweg vo da atlantikküstn
wor. mia woan in da Verdonschlucht, hobn zwa wundaschene rutn gmocht. echt wödklasse dea fös, de kletterei un de londschoft. lings om foto siagts de schlucht.
sowos fo a schene zit homma ghobt. do muas i dringendst wida hi

i hob jez mei easchte station im kronknhos ogschlossn, jez bin i of dea kinda, gfoid ma bessa ois de interne wo i voahea wor. is anfoch persönlicha. un de kinda san super, gestern hod ana neben mia kotzt wia nua wos, und nocher wia wida ois ofpuzd wor frogt a mi wiso ea reian hod miassn wia ea si den löffl gonz noch hintn in mund gstekt hod...

Monday, October 02, 2006


Je vous presente: Philippe, mon coloc.
This is Philippe, my flatmate here in Grenoble. He is French, works night shifts in a hotel and plans to open a restaurant, which will serve mainly soup, end of this year.
He's a fun guy and he helps me a lot to improve my French. Philippe doesn't really speak any other languages so we have to talk French all the time, which is great, and he really takes the time to explain all the words I don't know yet.

We inhabit a small apartment in the Quartier Saint Bruno, which is not too far from the center. It's a great hood actually: vivid, buildings aren't too tall, lots of parks - just n-i-c-e!

But we're not alone! Let's start with the cat called Chaussette, she got that name, which means sock, because of her paws - they are all white, makes it look like she's wearing socks...
Another cohabitant, Sumo, is a little gerbil, who is quite huge compared to his species average and therefore qualified for the name Sumo. I can hear him right now eating his cage, he does that a lot lately, plastic must be really yummy!
Last and probably least there are some fish in a bowl, which names I'm not going to mention... (because I forget 'em lol)


Elke asked me, if that picture on the upper right (in the about me box) was me. Well it is, Basti took it in 2005 in Saalbach. What a great day! I photoshopped (crop + exposure filter) it a bit, looks cool doesn't it?